Condominium Management Regulation

The Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) is a not-for-profit corporation that is responsible for administering provisions under the Condominium Management Services Act, 2015 (CMSA), including by licensing condo managers and management providers. The CMRAO:

  • Ensures that condo managers and condo management companies are licensed, meet education standards, and comply with a code of ethics, among other requirements.
  • Maintains a list of licensed condo managers and condo management providers.
  • Promotes awareness of the condo management regulatory system and enforces compliance with the CMSA.

Handling Complaints

If you think your condo’s manager or management service provider is in violation of the CMSA you can submit a complaint to the CMRAO. If the registrar of the CMRAO receives a complaint about a licensee, the registrar may do any of the following, as appropriate:

  • Attempt to mediate or resolve the complaint;
  • Give the licensee a written warning;
  • Require the taking of further educational courses;
  • Refer the matter, in whole or in part, to the discipline committee;
  • Propose to suspend, revoke, or add conditions to a licence;
  • Propose to refuse to renew a licence; or,
  • Take further action as is appropriate in accordance with the CMSA.

More information about making a complaint can be found on the CMRAO’s website here.