- INFORMATION FORM: A purchaser of a suite must notify the Manager in writing of the owner(s) name(s), address of record and contact particulars, and shall provide the Residents’ Information Form (Schedule “A”) required by Rule A 01 to the Manager. Access cards will not be activated until the Residents’ Information Form has been received by management.
- DESIGNATED OWNER: Until notification pursuant to Rule B 01 hereof is provided by the new owner to the Manager of the Corporation, the previous owner of the unit shall remain designated as the owner thereof on the Corporation’s records as prescribed by the Act. Unless the requirements set out in Rule B 01 are met, a new owner will not receive notices of meetings and other written communication from the Corporation, nor will he, she or they be entitled to vote at any meeting of owners.
- SINGLE FAMILY: Each suite shall be occupied and used only as a private, single family residential dwelling and for no other purpose in accordance with the following requirements:
a) Occupation and use of a suite shall be subject to compliance with any restriction contained in the Corporation’s declaration, by-laws or rules and all requirements or restrictions imposed on the property by governmental authorities (including, without restriction, the requirements of any municipal zoning by-law) or any restrictive covenants registered against title to the property, or as otherwise required by the Board to the extent the Board is specifically authorized to do so.
b) A “private, single-family residential dwelling” shall mean a suite occupied or intended to be occupied only as a residence by one (1) family alone. A “family” shall consist of,i) the owner(s) of the suite, or else the owner(s), tenant(s) pursuant to one (1) written lease thereof, together with such owner(s) or tenant(s) family members related by blood, marriage, common law marriage or adoption to such owner(s) or tenant(s) as the case may be, including not more than a total of two other non-related persons, subject to sub-articles (c)-(e) hereof; or
ii) a group of not more than three persons who need not be related by blood, marriage, common law marriage or adoption, living together as a single housekeeping unit subject to a written lease or sub-lease, and subject to sub-articles (c)-(e) hereof.
c) The number of residents in any suite shall not exceed the number of occupants permitted by any Occupancy Standards By-law enacted by the respective Corporation. To determine the number of residents permitted in any given suite reference should be made to Article 20 of the respective Corporation General By-law.
d) The owner(s) and any tenant(s) of each suite shall register the names of all persons residing at the suite prior to commencement of their occupancy thereof, together with each of their children, pets and vehicles in accordance with the Corporation’s Residents’ Information Form. Upon request by the Board, such owner(s) or tenant(s) shall confirm the relationship of all suite occupants pursuant to official documentation confirming such family relationship.
e) No room in such suite shall be partitioned, rented or leased to or otherwise occupied by any other individual(s) for the purpose of temporary or permanent occupancy, residence, boarding or lodging, or for any other purpose except as permitted in accordance with the provisions of the Corporation’s declaration, by-laws and rules. - COMMERCIAL USE: No commercial use which requires customers, employees or business visitors to the suite, reception facilities, manufacturing or processing facilities, delivery or shipping of goods for manufacturing, processing or sale, and which gives rise to any noise, nuisance, disturbance, maintenance, repair of the common elements or consumption of utilities in excess of normal residential use shall be permitted in or with respect to any suite including, without limitation, the carrying on of a business or the operation of a business or professional office (other than an incidental home-based office for private use ancillary to the main private, single family residential use of the suite, if such incidental use is not illegal, immoral or in breach of any zoning requirements, utilizes no more than one room of the suite, does not involve repeated attendance (recurring visits) by employees, agents or contractors which could result in visitors loitering in the common element areas, all of which may, in the discretion of the Board, lower the character or image of the condominium building or any portion thereof, or use of any parking space for such incidental use, and the permitted incidental use shall not give rise to any noise, nuisance, disturbance, maintenance, repair of the common elements or consumption of utilities in excess of normal residential use, any of which prohibitions may be determined in the sole discretion of the Board acting reasonably).
- TRANSIENT USE: No hotel, boarding, lodging house, transient, fractional use or time-sharing use shall be permitted in or with respect to any suite. A transient use means more than one short-term use or occupation of a suite for a period of less than 6 months in any particular period of 12 consecutive months. One short-term use or occupations of a unit shall be permitted when the owner delivers a written lease, sub-lease or notice to the manager as required by Rules D 04 and D05 and subject to compliance with Tenancy Rules D 01 – D 10. A second short-term use or occupation of a unit in any particular period of 12 consecutive months may be permitted by the Board exercising its sole discretion, but only in exceptional circumstances.
- DISCONTINUE USE: If, in the sole discretion of the Board, a Resident’s use of the suite is in breach of any of the provisions herein, or the Resident’s use may damage or reflect unfavourably upon the Corporation or any other Resident, the Resident shall immediately discontinue such use upon the written request of the Corporation.
- INSURANCE: Owners are strongly advised to obtain an owner’s condominium insurance policy from their insurance agent as recommended by Rule N 01.
- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: No Resident shall use, store or permit prolonged storage of garbage or degradable organic matter, an excessive accumulation of paper or any item which may overload the structure or constitute a health or safety hazard in any suite, locker, parking space or upon the common elements. Residents shall refrain from installing or using leaking containers or waterbeds. No illegal, explosive, combustible, dangerous or hazardous materials of any kind shall be stored in a suite, locker, parking space or upon the common elements. A Resident will be responsible for the clean-up and removal of any contaminant, pollutant or toxic substance (including mould) resulting from any act or omission of the Resident. Firecrackers or other fireworks are not permitted in any unit or on the common elements.
- PEST CONTROL: No Resident shall permit an infestation of pests, insects, vermin or rodents to exist at any time in his/her suite or exclusive use common elements. Residents shall immediately report to the Manager all incidents of pests, insects, vermin or rodents. Residents shall permit the Corporation’s Representatives, including pest control personnel and other authorized persons to enter their suites for the purpose of conducting pest control, health or safety operations including a spraying or extermination programme. Residents are required to prepare their suites in the manner prescribed by the Board to facilitate the appropriate pest control operations. Residents shall comply with the requirements of any pest control notice, including any health or safety criteria and shall ensure that all required safety precautions are taken on behalf of any children, pets or other occupants. Residents may be required to vacate their suite for specified periods during implementation of any pest control program.
- ENTRY LOCKS: Residents shall permit entry to suites and storage lockers in accordance with the declaration and the provisions of the Act. Prior notice of daytime entry will be given and the Resident shall permit access at any time during such day. Residents shall cooperate to allow the Corporation’s Representatives to carry out their duties. Residents shall not change or add locks to their suites unless such change or addition is compatible with the existing lock system used on the property. No change or addition of locks will be performed without the prior written consent of an owner of the unit. A copy of a key for all locks of each unit including each locker shall be provided to the Manager and kept in a secured lockbox in safekeeping by the Corporation for emergency purposes or to enable the Corporation to carry out any of its duties. Upon changing any locks, Residents shall immediately provide the Corporation with a key.
- ACCESS CARDS: Photo-Identification Electronic Access Cards
a) Photo-Identification Access Cards of various categories are issued by the Property Manager for a fee, and under terms and conditions established from time to time, by the Joint Operations Committee.
b) No one shall lend a Photo-Identification Access Card to any other person.
c) No one shall use a Photo-Identification Access Card belonging to another person. Use of such access cards by any person other than the person depicted on the photograph may cause the Access Card to be de-activated.
d) Lost, stolen or damaged Photo-Identification Electronic Access Cards shall be reported promptly to the Property Manager. Such cards will be de-activated and replaced for a fee upon showing appropriate identification to the Property Manager.
- WINDOW COVERINGS: Nothing shall be affixed to any window or placed between the windows and drapes or blinds, or shall be visible from the outside of a suite, which detracts from the exterior uniform appearance of the building or is deemed to be offensive in nature in the sole discretion of the Board. Curtains, drapes or blinds shall have a neutral tone liner or a neutral tone exterior drapes which completely cover the window when closed. No Resident shall place or permit any reflective or insulating materials, flags, awnings, exterior shades or other objects outside, inside or upon any windows or the exterior of the suite. The foregoing does not apply to the display of the National Flag of Canada provided it is displayed in accordance with flag protocol set out by the government of Canada.
- SIGNS & NOTICES: No sign, billboard, notice, or other advertising matter of any kind shall be inscribed, painted, affixed or placed on any part of the inside or outside of the building or common elements whatsoever, without the prior written consent of the Board.
Exception: The Neighbour-to-Neighbour notice boards may be used by Residents to post non-commercial, non-political notices, or to advertise the Resident’s private sale items, e.g. parking units or lockers for lease, table for sale, etc.
- THROWN ITEMS: Nothing shall be thrown, dropped, poured or the like out of any of the windows or doors. No mops, brooms, dusters, rugs or bedding shall be shaken or beaten from any window, door or any part of the common elements. No hanging or drying of clothes is allowed from windows, balconies or upon the common elements. No item shall be dropped, swept or thrown from any balcony.
- FLOORING: No owner or resident shall install or permit any type of flooring materials to be installed above the concrete sub floor of the owner’s suite, other than wall-to-wall carpet and under-pad, provided that an owner may install any alternate type of hard surfaced flooring or other materials (in accordance with such specifications as may be determined by the board from time to time), if such alternate type of flooring would achieve an acoustical soundproof standard when installed providing a minimum Impact Isolation Class rating of IIC-70 or higher (with proof of manufacturer’s specifications to be provided to the board) and if all applicable diagrams, plans and specifications are approved by the Corporation’s engineer and/or the Board prior to the installation, at the owner(s) expense. The foregoing restrictions do not apply to kitchen, bathroom and main entrance foyer flooring. Any owner who installs flooring materials contrary to the requirements of this Rule shall, within 30 days after receiving written notice from the Corporation, replace such non-complying floor materials and install flooring materials in compliance with this Rule. In the event the Corporation receives documented noise complaints from the Residents of the suite below which, in the sole discretion of the Board confirms an undue noise nuisance arising from inappropriate flooring or any other sound-emitting or sound-conducting materials, the owner of the suite from which such sounds emanate shall comply with all sound reduction criteria as may be required by the Board.
- ENTRY ONTO THE PROPERTY:a)Only the main driveway and the walkway south of the Gate House may be used for entry onto the property.
b) Any vehicle, including a Resident’s vehicle, without a Transponder shall use the Visitor lane adjacent to the Gate House, and shall stop and report to the security officer.
c) When reporting to the Gate House security officer, non-residents shall state their name and the name and suite number of the Resident they wish to visit. The security officer shall not have authority to admit any non-resident onto the property, unless:i) The Resident being visited is at home and gives permission for such entry when contacted by the Gate House security officer; or
ii) The Visitor holds and shows to the Gate House security officer a Sponsored Visitor Photo-Identification Electronic Access Card bearing the Visitor’s photograph.
d) Should the Resident be unavailable in time to admit an expected Visitor, the Resident may make admission arrangements on the same day by calling the Property Manager (during office hours), or the Gate House Security Officer (after hours).i) Any such arrangement is valid only for that single occasion. “Blanket” admission arrangements are not permitted.e) Visitors with pets shall not be admitted onto the grounds or into the buildings with the exception of a Visitor with a trained service dog.
- ABSENCES: Residents shall inform the Management Office of any planned vacation or business trip that will result in their suite being unoccupied for the duration of the trip.