- AVAILABILITY: The outdoor pool facilities are available for use only during the months or parts thereof as determined by the Joint Operations Committee and notified to the Residents.
- HOURS: The outdoor pool is open from 05:00 to 23:00 hours, but is closed between 08:00 and 9:00 each morning for servicing.
- GROUP CLASSES: The Joint Operations Committee may require part or all of the pool to be reserved for designated group classes at specified hours.
- NO SMOKING: No one shall smoke on the outdoor pool deck at any time.
- CAPACITY: The total number of bathers on the deck and in the pool shall not exceed ten (10) when no lifeguard is on duty and thirty (30) when one (1) lifeguard is on duty. This increases to sixty-five (65) when two (2) lifeguards are on duty. When no lifeguard is on duty bathers under the age of twelve (12) years are not allowed on the deck or in the pool unless accompanied by an adult. For the purpose of this rule the deck is defined as the area between the pool and the delineation line.
- SKILL: No person other than a skilled swimmer may swim alone. An unskilled swimmer must be supervised at all times.
- LOTIONS: Sun tan oils, lotions, creams, grease or other such preparations must be showered off thoroughly before entry or re-entry into the swimming pool.
- SHOWER: Each bather shall take a shower using warm water and soap and thoroughly rinse off all soap before entering or re-entering the pool area.
- REGULATIONS: Each person entering the pool or pool enclosures must comply with the Ontario Health Regulations and all other cautionary signs posted in these facilities.
- ATTIRE: Proper swimming attire must be worn in the pool. Cut-off shorts are not considered proper attire.
- DISEASE: Residents with sores, open wounds, infections/communicable diseases or any known unhealthy condition of the body potentially detrimental to others shall not use the swimming pool, sauna or whirlpool.
- OBJECTS: No person shall bring skin diving or scuba gear, inflatable item, toy, ball, floating object, flippers or other device into the pool enclosure. Bathers may wear personal swimming aids in the pool.
- BEVERAGES: No one shall use glass containers, or consume food or any beverage except water, in and around the pools, pool decks and gazebos. [Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act, R.R.O. 1990, PUBLIC POOLS, SECTION 10(5)] – as per indoor pool rulesException: When the outdoor pool is CLOSED for official condominium functions.
- NON-POLLUTION: No person shall pollute the water in the swimming pool in any manner; spitting, spouting of water and blowing the nose in the pool are prohibited.
- CONDUCT: No person shall engage in boisterous play, fighting, reckless behaviour or unseemly conduct in or about the swimming pool. Only shallow dives are permitted.
- EMERGENCY: The emergency telephone is located on the wall near to the drinking fountain and emergency rescue equipment is located on the wall near the pool; they shall be used for emergency purposes only and shall not otherwise be tampered with.
- RADIOS: Portable radios or tape players or similar devices are permitted on the pool deck only when earphones are used. The ringers on cellular phones shall be set at the lowest volume if such devices are used around the pool.
- WET BATHING SUITS: Wet bathing suites are not allowed in the hallways, elevators or corridors of the building and Recreation Centre. Suitable footwear should be worn at all times outside the pool area.
- GUESTS: A maximum of four (4) Guests per suite are permitted at any one time providing they are accompanied by an adult Resident.
- INFANTS: A child under the age of two (2), or any other child lacking toilet training, shall not be permitted use of the swimming pool unless the child is wearing disposable swimming pants designed to minimize the chances of defecating or urinating in the pool. In the event that the child pollutes the pool their parent or guardian shall reimburse the Joint Operations Committee for all associated cleaning costs or expenses.
- LIFEGUARD: The lifeguard on duty has the authority to enforce all rules and to require adherence to whatever safety measures he or she deems necessary.