What’s Where


Management Office & Recreation Centre

  • Take your access/identity card to open security doors.
  • From 2000 Islington, turn right off the elevator on P-1.  Go through the double doors and down the long inclined passage way, through the single door and you’re in the recreation centre. Walk to the end of the indoor pool, turn right towards the stairwell leading down. The door on the right is the management office.
  • From 2010 Islington, take the elevator to P-1 and turn left after you exit the elevator. Turn left again and go down the sloped corridor, through the double doors toward the recreation centre. The first door on the left is the management office.
  • Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday.
  • The office is closed between 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m.

Mail Room

  • In 2000 Islington, turn right off the elevator on P-1. Go through the double doors and turn right again. The mail boxes are on your left.
  • In 2010 Islington, turn left as you exit the elevator on ground floor and walk towards the front entrance lobby. The mail room is the first opening on your right.

Recycling Room & Delivery Entrance

  • In 2000 Islington the room is on the ground floor. Turn left when entering the building through the front entrance lobby.
  • In 2010 Islington the room is located through the double doors opposite the mail room entrance on the ground floor.
    Large deliveries through the delivery entrance only, please.
    8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday (excluding Legal Holidays). Reserve a time with the Management Office so that the protection pads may be installed in the elevator and it may be put on dedicated service for you.And for the smaller deliveries there are luggage carts.
    2000 Islington: P-1 mail room area & P-2 to the right as you leave the elevators
    2010 Islington: Ground floor to the right and behind elevators, P-1 and P-2 to the right as you leave the elevators.
    Please return luggage carts within twenty minutes to the proper location.Provided you have signed a waiver form at the management office , the gatehouse may accept small deliveries on your behalf.

Building Superintendent

  • 2000 Islington – on the ground floor towards the recycling room.
  • 2010 Islington – Suite 105.
  • The building superintendent can be reached by contacting the management office during office hours and by contacting the gatehouse at other times.

The Notice Boards

  • Notice boards in 2000 Islington are located in the mail room, the moving room, the elevators, P-2 when you turn right off the elevator, as well as in the recreation centre.
  • Notice boards in 2010 Islington are located in the mail room, beside the elevators on P-1 and P-2 as well as in the recreation centre.
  • There are four types:
    1.  Corporate: For use by management to post information about corporate business.
    2.  Social /Recreational: For use by management to post information about condominium events.
    3. Elevators: For use by management to post urgent information, e.g. water shut-off, etc., and event notices.
    4. Neighbour-to-Neighbour: For use by residents to post private notices only, e.g. parking unit for rent to fellow residents, used furniture for sale, etc.  No commercial messages, please. Notices advertising events which are not exclusively for residents are not permitted.