It is always exciting to see the pool being prepared for the summer season – the cleaning, the small touchups and finally the blue blue water. Our private resort is in its glory this time of year promising lazy days by the pool.

A warning though – the sun can be damaging. Parents of young children know the importance of protecting young skin from the sun. And as we age, the risk of skin damage increases. Older skin is also fragile. Our immune systems become weaker. And over our lives we have accumulated ever more sun exposure.  That’s why skin cancer is so prevalent in older people.

Here’s some advice for us all: Aim for the shade, especially when near water and sand which reflect the sun rays, and especially in middle of the day. Always wear sunscreen, even on rainy days. Sun protective clothing is a wise choice when outdoors. Know the signs of skin cancer and look for changes in moles, and birthmarks. If you find something out of the ordinary, see a doctor quickly.

Now grab a hat and safely enjoy the summery weather.