The Communications Committee is intended to advise and assist the JOC in keeping all owners and residents informed by establishing and maintaining effective and accurate communication and public relation vehicles. This includes the web site and related newsletters.
The committee consists of at least one member from each Board plus experts from within the resident community. Meetings are open to other directors from both corporations for information purposes. This is a standing committee with an annual term. One of the directors will be elected as chair each year. The committee meets at least four times a year, and as often as required to fulfill its mandate.
This committee is responsible for the following:
1. Publish on a regular basis the JOC’s newsletters in accordance with established publication guidelines and JOC review process.
2. Develop and maintain a web site in accordance with guidelines established by JOC.
3. Recommend to JOC any changes or initiatives in communication techniques and policies.
4. Develop and implement a communications strategy.
5. Publish other news vehicles deemed appropriate by JOC.