For the first time the Annual General Meetings of MTCC 570 (2000 Islington) and YCC 531 (2010 Islington) moved to the Zoom platform. The pandemic made public meetings impossible, and the Ontario Condominium Authorities changed regulations to allow AGMs to be virtual. Many AGMs had to be delayed to allow time to manage the logistics of the new format. According to those in attendance, our two AGMs went quite well. For those who couldn’t attend a detailed proxy provided a way to participate and vote.

Below are the names of the Directors. You can contact the Board of Directors in writing by email or by dropping a letter to the Management Office.

Board of Directors – MTCC 570

Erle Stephens (President)
Peter Bahry (V.P.)
Roy Tamura (Director)
Nicola Caravaggio (Secretary/Treasurer)
Tony Lecce (Director at Large)

Board of Directors – YCC 531

Lina Romano (President)
Manny Radomski (V.P.)
John Macdonald (Treasurer)
Marian Leslie (Secretary)
Kam Chari (Director at Large)