Falls lunch & learn

The NORC community arranged for Alicia Remark, an occupational therapist, to speak about preventing falls, and some steps we can take if we do fall.  Fifty residents came for the presentation and it was evident that we were all giving her our full attention. So many of us feel that we are at risk of falling, and we realize the serious consequences, particularly for older people. The five practical steps for getting up from a fall are shown in this video.

We also learned about the Toronto Grace Hospital Remote Care program, in particular the GPS locating pendant for those at risk of falling. A checklist of risk factors let us score ourselves on the chance that we might fall.  This provided food for thought, and perhaps motivation to act.

Bistro in 2023

Several years ago the Joint Operations Committee (JOC) granted exclusive use of the party room for a drop-in coffee time.  A machine for hot drinks was installed at the bar, some notices were placed on the bulletin boards, and Bistro began running from 2 to 4 on weekday afternoons. Residents could show up, sip a $2 coffee, tea or hot chocolate and share chat with neighbours. Part of the $2 went to support the Daily Bread Food Bank.

Missing these afternoon breaks during COVID-19 lock-down, some regulars attempted to touch base on Zoom and then through outdoor “happy hour” meetups on the upper deck on Fridays. Eventually the Bistro was able to reopen in the party room but the Friday happy hours continued. And when the weather wasn’t conducive to gathering outdoors people started meeting inside on Friday afternoons.

It happened that the party room was free last New Year’s eve and the word was passed among Bistro regulars to meet there for an impromtu potluck cocktail party in the early evening. Again this year the party room was available and a few energetic residents came early set up the room for New Year festivities. Residents shared snacks and drink, and offered each other New Year wishes.

In 2023 the Bistro has run every weekday with the help of volunteers. It sent $2800 to the Food Bank in 2023 (which included a generous donation from the evening card players). Though some residents have moved away or passed on, new residents come to meet their neighbours and make friends.  Everyone is welcome. See you in 2024!

two special events!

Ho Ho Ho! This is definitely the jolly season at Islington 2000/2010.

This Saturday we were presented with two festive events.  For children of all ages, Islington Vertical Village had another highly successful Crafternoon with Christmas crafts. The little people got to colour pictures, and embellish Christmas tree decorations and wreathes with stickers, sparkles and bows. Here are a few photos.

In the evening the grownups were invited by the Social Committee to a sit-down Christmas turkey dinner with all the trimmings and pie for dessert. This year the Social Committee completely outdid themselves with exceptional decor and table settings. There was music and dancing – a wonderfully festive occasion for all. Another wonderful evening!

Lunch & Learn – Transitions

November’s Lunch & Learn had a timely topic – Easing the Transitions of Life. Our speaker was Christine Janev, M.A., RP, RSW, who works primarily with older people dealing with the life challenges that are involved in aging. She reminded us of the ways life can change suddenly or gradually as we age, and advised us to anticipate the inevitable challenges before they happen, make a realistic and manageable plan and work through setting up supports as much as possible before a crisis arises.

TPL Lunch & learn

This month’s Lunch & Learn was presented by Emilio de Santis, Assistant Branch Head of Richview Public Library. He amazed residents by running through a long long list of services available there. Did you know that there is a 3D printer, or that you can gain free admission to local attractions through the library website? You can take an online course, or learn a foreign language, download movies for free or read magazines from around the world.  Would you be interested to read consumer reports, or learn about your car? There is so much more than can be listed here. Libraries have certainly kept pace with the changing world.

After the presentation some residents stayed to get library cards and others gathered in the Bistro for coffee and treats.

Halloween Crafternoon

Yesterday families joined in an afternoon of Halloween crafts in the Recreation Centre activity room. The themed crafternoons have become increasingly popular with grandparents, parents and their little ones. We are grateful to all the volunteers who plan, prepare, organize and clean-up afterwards.